Saturday, July 14, 2007


My Hobbies

  • Hanging out with family and friends

  • Playing Video Games , X-box and Computer

  • Television

  • Sports including Baseball, Swimming, and Football

  • Card collecting including football and baseball

  • Sleepovers

  • Camping

  • Scouts

  • Vacations

  • Family outings

  • Playing outside

  • Riding Bikes

  • Going to Fry's

Suggested Computer links- suggestion-have standard chat instead of ultimate safe- chat suggestion- have a good name, level up quick,and be a good trader

I play these often.


Transformers In Disguise!

The last night my family was in Utah all the guys went to the theater to see Transformers!!! It was so AWESOME! I won't talk about the movie because I want you to see it personally.
Anyway about 10 o'clock p.m. ''Dad'' or Ryan, Justin, Tyler, Taylor, Tyson, Cade, and I piled into the car and drove under the stars. We hurried inside and got good seats.My Dad said that if Cade or I fell asleep, we owed him eight dollars.Tyson fell asleep about an hour into the movie.Then awoke in the high action fighting war at the end.
After the movie was over everyone walked to the car to go home.When I went downstairs I found my Mom and HayLee talking at TWO IN THE MORNING! I flopped on the couch and asleep almost instantly. Going to the show was totally worth it.