Monday, March 24, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life's $50

It was about 6:00pm when Matthew came running into the house."Mommy!Mommy! I got 50 dollars!!!!!" It was actually a 30,000 dollar life piece from the game Life. The saying on it said "Created a symphony ". I thought that was funny. My mom then said," I wish that was real money". I just laughed.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Remember When Part 2........

Remember when it was exciting when you made it on the high scores list.
When there were no bars on the vending machines and you and others would tip it to get stuff.
When psych was spelled sike.
When the world was mostly black and white.
When whoever had the whitest T-shirt was the hippest.
When psychadelic was the most popular word.
When Coca-Cola was the only soda, till Pepsi came out and became 10x popular.
When campouts with friends ended up staying up all night.
When everyone said "your mom" after every sentence.
When surround-sound systems where "da bomb".
When internet was magic.

My Day.

I went motorcycling today. I did a wheelie and a 7 foot jump which wasn't planned. I have an honda 150cc, which is engine size. After that, I came home and played computer for an 1/2 a hour then went to Vail Pride Day and watched Cade sing. I came home and babysitted Leah and Matt for 3 hours. Then Dad brought home pizza-for the second time-breadsticks, cinnamon sticks, and hot wings.Then I ended up writing this.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You know you got skills if...

You got skills if...

If you can open a milk carton at school easily.

If you can open mail in 5 seconds.

If you can read this.

If you can lip sync Im blue.

If you can open a banana without effort.

If you can stand still in one spot for 10 seconds, to some thats amazing.

If you know all the typing tricks like a mouse ~o:> or pikachus face (o:~~:o) or a bowling ball ( : )

If you make an online game account and it is the highest level you can get.

If you can swing so high that you go around the bar.

If you watched Napoleon Dynamite and know what skills he wants.

Remember when...

Remember When-

When you turn to exactly the page you were going to go?
When you went to the store as a kid with $10 and everything you wanted was on sale.
When mail was very exciting to get and they weren't bills.
When pizza was the best food ever.
When brussel sprouts was the worst food ever.
When you woke up Saturday morning excited to watch cartoons.
When you wake up exactly at the time you wanted to get up.
When you fall back asleep and wake up exactly a hour later.
When your Mom actually makes what you wanted for dinner.
When everything you did good depended on getting that popsicle.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Harry Potter - Attack of the Reader!

I have been recently reading the Harry Potter series. The books are 100x better then the movie. I suggest you do. I am currently on the last book, The Deathly Hallows, I read 450 pages in 5 and a half hours. Still I am only little more than half-way, it is a 784 page book.