Tuesday, August 7, 2007

school days

Its been alright. Im not jumping for joy or anything though.
first week is ALWAYS boring.
rules rules rules
procedures procedures procedures
thats all u hear.
second week is ok.
at least u get to work
plus mon. was off
not as many rule lessons
but tons of reminders about stuff thats easy
this week is pretty hard
real detention if u dont get everything right
pencil pen math book and journal
science book and journal ssr book paper HW
guess its finally junior high
i have 2 periods
1st period with ms livingston who teaches math and science
and 2nd period is l. arts and s. studies with ms acker
a cool thing with ms acker is on fridays we get to sing
its ahloa friday
no work till monday
go to church on sunday
its ahloa friday
pretty cool huh
well thats wats been happing so far


Tracie said...

Back to the ole' grind, heh Seth, school can be fun though. Sounds like the singing is what you love. I know that you had a great voice when you were in church in Utah. It was great to hear you sing. And you weren't embarassed! Keep up the good work! Grandma

Troy said...

I cannot believe how much you are growing up so fast. I wish I could be around my niece and nephews more so that they could get to know their Uncle Troy!