Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who Da Spartan?

I want to officially say that I am the all time Halo master of people I've played.
This includes Taylor, Trent, Austin, Cade, Dad, Rusty, Ian, and every friend that I played.

Dairy Queen

The other night we went to Dairy Queen.
I had a Reese's Blizzard. It was good, and I had fun.
Then we watched the original Jungle Book movie.
That was a fun family time also.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What I Am Called?

I am a son to my mom and dad
I am a brother to my brothers and sister
I am a cousin to many who follow my example
I am a nephew to many I look up to
I am a grandson who likes all the spoiling
I am a friend to those who need them most
I am a great-grandson to few who I love
I am a leader to those who need to follow
I am a reader who likes to read often
I am a ball player who enjoys competitors
I am a student who advances in learning daily
I am a scout belonging to troop 761
But most of all I am a Child Of God

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tent Laughs

on our latest scout camp out,stone,nick,Isaac,and i bunked in one tent.
sure enough , we stayed up all night.
for 3 and a half hours we were laughin and jokin',telling every joke we knew.
then nick and i fell asleep for 2 hours.
when we woke up we played around with cell phones , cameras and video cameras.
the next 1 hour we played with cards.
the last 1 and half hours we just talked about funny moments.

that's what happened in the tent

Friday, October 5, 2007


If you think scouts is boring,come to one of my camp outs!

Laughing and joking around are only the beginning.

I found our mascot ,Fred the Frog, ALMOST slapped a cow which I spent about 20 minutes

on,went on hikes and all that good stuff.

I also memorized the scout law,slogan,motto, and promise.

Whats the motto?

I don't know,whats the motto with you?

My leader pulled that joke at the meeting


Dallas Cowboys

All the way this year!

The Dallas Cowboys are #1!

Tony Romo, Julius Jones, Jason Witten,Roy Williams,Terrel Owens,Marion Barber and many other players/rookies are tearin' it up.Even though the sad tragedy last year against Seattle ruined their chance to win the Super Bowl,this year they will win.
Dallas Rules,

A Funny Experience

If you try to visit ,be careful.
I accidentally typed two S's at the end.
Try it if you dare.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Teriffic Three

Teriffic Threes

3 chores I have held:


3 movies I cant stand:

minnie mouse
blk and white cartoons from the 40's

3 places I havent been at-but would like to:

grand canyon
nigira falls
disney world

3 TV shows I enjoy:

malcolm in the middle

3 places I have been bored:

peoples houses where your parents dont stop talking for hours when they say itll just take a sec

3 of my favorite restaurants:

home town buffet

3 websites I visit daily:

club penguin
dragon fable
3 places I would rather be right now:

the hot tub
watchin tv/x-box
game sites

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

school days

Its been alright. Im not jumping for joy or anything though.
first week is ALWAYS boring.
rules rules rules
procedures procedures procedures
thats all u hear.
second week is ok.
at least u get to work
plus mon. was off
not as many rule lessons
but tons of reminders about stuff thats easy
this week is pretty hard
real detention if u dont get everything right
pencil pen math book and journal
science book and journal ssr book paper HW
guess its finally junior high
i have 2 periods
1st period with ms livingston who teaches math and science
and 2nd period is l. arts and s. studies with ms acker
a cool thing with ms acker is on fridays we get to sing
its ahloa friday
no work till monday
go to church on sunday
its ahloa friday
pretty cool huh
well thats wats been happing so far

Saturday, July 14, 2007


My Hobbies

  • Hanging out with family and friends

  • Playing Video Games , X-box and Computer

  • Television

  • Sports including Baseball, Swimming, and Football

  • Card collecting including football and baseball

  • Sleepovers

  • Camping

  • Scouts

  • Vacations

  • Family outings

  • Playing outside

  • Riding Bikes

  • Going to Fry's

Suggested Computer links- suggestion-have standard chat instead of ultimate safe- chat suggestion- have a good name, level up quick,and be a good trader

I play these often.


Transformers In Disguise!

The last night my family was in Utah all the guys went to the theater to see Transformers!!! It was so AWESOME! I won't talk about the movie because I want you to see it personally.
Anyway about 10 o'clock p.m. ''Dad'' or Ryan, Justin, Tyler, Taylor, Tyson, Cade, and I piled into the car and drove under the stars. We hurried inside and got good seats.My Dad said that if Cade or I fell asleep, we owed him eight dollars.Tyson fell asleep about an hour into the movie.Then awoke in the high action fighting war at the end.
After the movie was over everyone walked to the car to go home.When I went downstairs I found my Mom and HayLee talking at TWO IN THE MORNING! I flopped on the couch and asleep almost instantly. Going to the show was totally worth it.