Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Harry Potter - Attack of the Reader!

I have been recently reading the Harry Potter series. The books are 100x better then the movie. I suggest you do. I am currently on the last book, The Deathly Hallows, I read 450 pages in 5 and a half hours. Still I am only little more than half-way, it is a 784 page book.


Jen said...

Seth I agree 100% the books are way better than the movie. I only read the first few and haven't read the rest but it is on my list of things to do. I am happy to hear that they are good right to the last one. Impressive you read so much. Can't wait to talk with you about them. Lots of love from here to there, Aunt Jen

Jen said...

Oh PS I would love to invite you to my blog, do you have a new e-mail address. I tried your old one but it doesn't work! My blog is disneyfamilyoffour.blogspot.com

Austin said...

Seth, right on! Harry Potter IS really good, and the movies don't come close! When you're done reading, I suggest reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. It's similar to Harry Potter, but not quite as good (or long). I also like the main character a heck of a lot more.

Glad you're updating your blog again!

Seth said...

Yes i have changed emails . its now sethpowell@q.com.

Thanks for commeting!

Kris said...

Seth, so proud of you in your reading skills, keep it up. Skills, I do remember something about skills :) I have yet to read a Harry Potter book, someday.