Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Remember when...

Remember When-

When you turn to exactly the page you were going to go?
When you went to the store as a kid with $10 and everything you wanted was on sale.
When mail was very exciting to get and they weren't bills.
When pizza was the best food ever.
When brussel sprouts was the worst food ever.
When you woke up Saturday morning excited to watch cartoons.
When you wake up exactly at the time you wanted to get up.
When you fall back asleep and wake up exactly a hour later.
When your Mom actually makes what you wanted for dinner.
When everything you did good depended on getting that popsicle.


Austin said...

I DO remember those! I firmly believe that aging is caused directly by the descending quality of sleep in life.


Kris said...

I do remember some of those times. And some of them still happen. Imagine that. But the remember part, now what was that thing I was going to tell you? Age!!!