Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Spirit Comes in the Smallest Things

Yesterday, as I was walking home from the bus, I had a great example of spirit. I had my wheels in my Heelys and was about to start rolling. But then I had a feeling inside to wait just to wait another couple seconds before I start. I ignored that feeling and assured that I would be fine if I started anyway. Well, I started and sure enough the road was poorly smoothed and I tripped and cut open my hand. I was fine, I'm tough,though I wouldn't have cut open my hand if I listened to the spirit. I'm glad Heavenly Father cares for every one of his children, no matter who it is or what the problem.


Troy said...

Hey Seth, remember this experience. It will have a great impact on your life. I cannot believe that you will be receiving the priesthood soon. Very proud of you. Take care, Uncle Troy

Kris said...

The Lord is always looking out for his children. We just have to listen. Love you Seth. Hope that your hand is okay.--Grandma McNeil

Heather Mae the DIY Gal said...

You live here with me, and I just had to read about this in your blog?!

I am proud that you accept and acknowledge that the spirit indeed does speak with us, in small ways.

Thus, listen to the still small voice...listen...listen. Just like the song.